Nirvana is THE ULTIMATUM a soul craves for. As shown and proved(to some extent), every other religions lines our path towards the final destination.
Heaven or hell, there is no guarantee. Hinduism shows us even eating any animal, we will be received in hell and baked in oil. The elaborate Garuda puran doesn't emphasise on the size of the animal or where it resides on he food chain. So we can think cannibals and non vegetarians belong together in the same kadai in afterlife.
Jainism leads us one step further. Accordingly we can't even root vegetables!!
Customs are so so different, yet similar on some weird level.
Christianity, a per to the Bible, elaborates on 7 deadly sins. Jesus christ overcame these, hence the divine status. But the gospels prove he was succumbed by all 7 sins. He overcame those at the end. But again the gospels have been edited and filtered countless times. Hard to believe the bible to some extent.
The Islamic tradition is as orthodox as any subj caste of Hinduism. Just that the community takes Quran literally, unlike other religion followers. Till today, few families won't even watch TV or snack outside. It's hard to believe, yet so much faith and devotion which can only be appreciated.
Unlike most of the religions who forbids the 7 deadly sins and worships only a man-god, Paganism and Hinduism doesn't have same strategy. Pagans worship the female and male deities. Their rituals include worshiping the male & female reproductive organs, which isn't weird considering their respect for aspects that gives life. One more most intriguing ritual is encircling and worshiping a couple engaged in coitus. However private the activity may be, it was how God intended us to create life. Not something to be taken with shame. Pagans believe all beings take one step toward god and reach salvation, everyone they have an Orgasm. It is believed during that split second we are truly literally blessed by God. For a man that true boon I given by a female. Hence worshiping a female god always triumphs praying a male God.
For Hindus, it's one step further. They believe to have 9 sins and u have try not to succumb to them. Whatever the bhagavadgita or Vedas preaches us to follow and not to follow, leave man, even God can't be expected to not surrender to the sins.
If we have to follow them literally , then first and foremost our gods must be the master of rules.
If gods aren't mastering the rules, we are as good as gods.
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